
About us

What we work for 
 and what we stand for.


About us.

The third sector in our society.


The organization Smart Farming gGmbH

As a NGO (non-governmental organization) and as an NPO (non-profit organization), Smart Farming gGmbH takes its place in the third sector, between the state and business. Its work serves as a corrective. It takes on the tasks that the state does not perform and that are of no interest to the economy for economic reasons. This includes stopping the negative external effects that have arisen and continue to arise from global economic activity. These include, for example, environmental pollution, man-made climate change, poverty, hunger and other social deficits.

Smart Farming gGmbH implements measures that have been scientifically well studied. We are also guided by the studies of Prof. Dr. Teja Tscharntke from the Georg-August University of Göttingen for agroecology. Our focus is on smallholder farmers in the Global South (India and Africa). According to new research results, these farmers make a significant contribution to stopping man-made climate change. But they are struggling to survive economically.

There is something that has been bothering many people,
including me, for a long time.AG-Stadtpark_2_1.jpg
It is man-made climate change. Those who are already feeling the effects of climate change are the farmers. They work in and with nature and are directly affected by climatic changes. Families who make a living from agriculture are particularly hard hit by droughts. Poor soil and extreme rainfall make it difficult to secure their livelihoods in the long term.

We are on the threshold of a revolution in agriculture. New technologies and artificial intelligence (AI) are finding their way into agriculture. The few large agricultural machinery manufacturers, seed producers and AI companies are researching and securing knowledge about precision agriculture. Smallholder farmers are denied access to this progress. They cannot participate due to cost reasons. On the other hand, they are the ones who produce healthy food, ensure the preservation of biodiversity and play an important role in stopping climate change.

What's our future like?

What world will our children and our grandchildren find? You, dear reader, have it in your hands.

Our offer

We provide green, gentle technology and the knowledge of how to use it to smallholder farmers. Their way of farming stops climate change. They are able to provide healthy food for the world. With the green, gentle technology and the knowledge of how to use it, smallholder farmers are succeeding in making a positive economic turnaround.
Rethinking the economy - in harmony with nature. Living and working in dignity. These are our goals. That is what we are working for. We, the smallholder farmers and their families, all those who are willing to lend a hand and participate in the vision of a better world, the many donors, without whom none of this would be possible.

Get on board, your donation is a very real investment in a better future. Smallholder farmers in the Global South receive micro-irrigation systems and soil monitoring systems from the donations. They produce healthy food and protect the environment. It is a sustainable investment that secures the long-term economic existence of smallholder farmers and stops climate change.

Thank you very much.

Achim Giebler
(Managing Director)

We need your help.

Please support the agricultural model,
that feeds the world and preserves
our habitat, with your donation.

Every dollar counts.

Donate to smallholder farmers in the Global South

Smart Farming gGmbH is a recognized, registered, non-profit organization.
We are authorized to issue you with a donation receipt.